Does Your Image Change Color When It’s Uploaded to the Web?

  1. Thanks! My colors always turn out flatter and I’ve just given up! 🙂

    • photospaz says:

      You’re welcome!! I know it’s frustrating. I have some photos that I uploaded to my website with the same problem. Now I’m going back in and fixing those as well!! 🙂

  2. Thanks – that suddenly started happening to me too – weird – but this seemed to sort it 🙂

  3. Manu says:

    Thank you!!

  4. Alvaro says:

    Hello. I have this same problem when I try to upload HD images to my facebook site and it keeps turning my colors flat and dull. Please help me fix it. Thanks

  5. Roisin says:

    Thank you! As a photographer’s girlfriend, I felt very pleased with being able to help him; thank you.

  6. Dulce says:

    Thanks so much! Really appreciated it.

  7. Idejka says:

    Thank you so so much for help! I’ve been going crazy about this problem for months!

  8. GREAT! Thank you so much!

  9. Julie Ann says:

    Is there any other way to fix this? Mine is still dull. -_-

  10. morgancommaross says:

    just a shout out that this was very helpful and totally fixed my color issue. kudos.

  11. bernard brady says:

    it worked great for me thank you so much

  12. Rachael says:

    What about images you are uploading to print? I am uploading images from lightroom to shutterfly, snapfish, etc. and the colors are alllll wrong!

  13. Daniel says:

    wow! Thank you so much for this tip. I was exporting from lightroom and couldn’t get my head around why the photos I posted to instagram were changing colour from blue to kind of purple! Thanks again

  14. Bart Griffin says:


  15. Jess says:

    THANK YOU!! Saved me A LOT of hassle!

  16. Tom Gander says:

    Thank you! Just notice this happening as I post more to Twitter and anything normally viewed on a phone but also to web sites that normally cause me no problems. So glad it is not my fault per se!

  17. Alix says:

    Oh my goodness, thank you SO much for this. After updating and uploading my company logo the colours on my website were all miss-matched. I doubt I would have worked out how to fix it without your help. SO GRATEFUL!!!

  18. zOscar says:

    OMG!!! I don’t know how to thank you!!!
    I had this problem for since like a year ago and I just gave up until I saw this explanation
    Thank you a lot!!!

  19. Matt Magi says:

    So strange, I’ve been doing web for YEARS but recently had this happen from a batch of photos a client sent me, it looked ok on my desktop until upload then the color (mostly reds) got washed out. This solved it. Thanks so much.

  20. Connie says:

    You are a life saver!! I thought I was going crazy…thought it was my computer…my tablet…my phone… I didn’t know what to do. When I downloaded photos to sites like Shutterfly the color changed dramatically… I followed your steps and have been testing different photos and it has worked!! Thanks for your perseverance!!!

  21. sarah walsh says:

    thanks so much! it worked!!!!

  22. Even 6 years later this post is awesome!! It wasn’t happening to all my pics, but I couldn’t figure why it did for a couple. Looks like that change took care of the problem. Onward with the project! haha Thanks so much!

  23. Lena says:

    Thank you so much for this! It was driving me crazy. I couldn’t figure it out! My pictures looked nice coming from my camera but turned an awful muted color when I uploaded them.

  24. Lyn says:

    Thank you so much for this post! I have been going crazy trying to figure out a solution and this was it!!!

  25. Rosemary says:


  26. Elaine-Herman Colvin says:

    Wondering if you’ve had to update the way that you save since you posted this. I’m trying to post to Pinterest and I’m experiencing the same issue that you described, but my settings already look to match what you recommended. I had posted there fine a few weeks ago, but now my colors change with each image.

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