Hey hey hey!!
So I have a friend that creates these AMAZING textures for photo editing. On top of that she uses them to create beautiful works of art! (I’ll list her Facebook info below.) I finally broke down and bought some. Thought I’d give it a try so, I’ve played with them a little. The realm of creative possibilities with these is endless!! I thought I’d share a couple of shots that I’ve applied textures to. One of these was created using a texture from my friend Jessica.
The texture I used in this one was from Jessica’s pack 1. I can’t remember which one I used. (That’s something I should better keep up with!) Check her out at Jessica Drossin Textures on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/JessicaDrossinTextures
This texture was one I got from Flickr. (bFREE textureb from a href=httpwww.flickr.comphotosbeapiercesets72157601574009156NinianLifa)
I look forward to playing with these more and using them to enhance my work!! Thanks you awesome texture creators!!!
To all of you out there, try using textures yourself and see what happens!!
Until next time!! Keep on creating!!!
| Created with Showit
Melissa Burns